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Return Policy

You may return most* new, unopened items for a full refund within 30 days of delivery. These items should be in their original packaging and have the serial number or UPC. Special order returns are at our discretion on a case by case basis. If you would like to make a return or exchange, you must contact us by phone or email and submit an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number before returning your items. This RMA number should be written on the bill of lading or somewhere on the packaging. Once your return is received by us, a credit should be processed within 5 business days. This allows us time to review the package and process a credit to you. All part returns will be subject to a 15% restocking fee.

Boat motor replacement parts and items returned to us without notification will not be eligible for a refund or exchange.
*Returns will not be accepted on items that are:

  • Opened 
  • Used or installed parts as we can not resell them.
  • Parts missing 
  • Original packaging missing or the serial number or UPC missing
  • Special orders including lower units 
  • Items returned more then 30 days after delivery
  • Items returned without notification
  • Electrical components are non-returnable. Sellers have no way of knowing whether or not the part has been used or damaged. Because of such risks, it is an industry standard not to allow returns on any electronic components. This may seem unfair to some customers, but it protects the next customer who might get a bad part that had been returned.  

Our return shipping address is:
US Boatworks
Attn: Returns
930 Osage Ave
Kansas City, KS 66105